yl23455永利双周论坛第 59 期
主讲人:胡媛 暨南大学yl23455永利
主持人:吴鹏 yl23455永利
时间:2024年10月31日(周四)14:30 - 16:00(下午)
The Intergenerational Effects of Sex Imbalance on Child Health and Other Outcomes: Evidence from the One-Child Policy in China
【Abstract】We analyze the intergenerational effects of male-biased sex ratios caused by the one-child policy almost four decades after its implementation in China. We find that male-biased sex ratios in the parental generation have a negative effect on child health, and the results are robust to endogenizing sex ratios and alternative measures of child health. Furthermore, we find that the effects are larger for children who live in rural areas and whose fathers have lower levels of education or income and face more skewed sex ratios. We further explore various underlying channels linking sex imbalance in the parental generation and child outcomes. Our results suggest that parental marital quality (satisfaction) and marital instability (divorce) play an important role in driving the observed effects.
[主讲人简介] 胡媛老师现任暨南大学yl23455永利讲师,拥有香港中文大学经济学博士学位、中国人民大学经济学硕士以及管理学学士学位。她的主要研究领域为劳动经济学、发展经济学和家庭经济学,专注于研究收入不平等和代际流动问题,关注对国内人口政策、教育政策和劳动力市场政策的长期评估,研究成果发表在《Journal of Comparative Economics》、《Land Use Policy》等国际知名学术期刊上。